Exciting Powerful Solutions
As certified marine engineers, we understand the vital importance of perfectly operating diesel engines and on-board systems. Our professional team is dedicated to make sure you can complete your mission safe and successfully.
We are helping the naval industry to push back its own boundaries. By enabling it to re-power its existing fleet and upgrading to the latest standards. Opening up opportunities for longer lifetimes and a higher reliability by integrating modern parts in the existing infrastructure.
NH Marine supplies and maintains high performance marine engines with a propulsion power of 110 hp to 800 hp and diesel generator sets from 10 kWe to 480 kWe. Our expertise in naval engineering projects ensures that we provide you with more than just an engine or generator.
Delivery of the highest quality during the design, production and test phases, by using our expertise, experience and network.
We love technics. Satisfied and beyond customers are our incentive.
With technical projects there will be challenges, we will stay with you to solve.
Organizations differ, having their own customs and needs; we adapt our products and processes to match yours.